DIS 2019 invites researchers, prototypes and practitioners to submit their work to the DIS 2019 Demo Track.
The track invites interface or system demonstrations, novel gadgets, techno-craft, and other interactive experiences that critically or creatively explore the conference themes. These should rethink and challenge the conventional modalities of demonstration, preference will be for demos that involve and activate DIS participants.
Important Dates
Action | Timeline |
Demo Deadline: | |
Extended Demo Deadline: | Wednesday, March 27, 2019 (6 days after paper notifications) |
Demo Notifications: | Monday, April 8, 2019 |
Camera Ready Deadline: | 21 April 2019 |
DIS 2019 conference: | 24-28 June 2019 |
Demo submissions should be exploratory, provocative, innovative and ambitious. Submissions are encouraged from a wide range of areas that may include HCI, Design and Digital media, and physical computing prototypes and should ideally fit into one or more of the following domains:
- Critical Computing and Design Theory: Exploring the relationships among design inquiry, politics, aesthetics, ethics, and craftsmanship as well as unpacking the notion of criticality in design and computing.
- Design Methods and Processes: Document, innovate and/or advance the methods and processes used across research and practice
- Experience, Artifacts, and Technology: Explore new relationships and intersections amongst and between experiences, artifacts and technologies, and the ways in which meaningful and impactful interactions are designed, created and engendered
- Change Through Design: What are the political, ethical, and moral dimensions of design? Who is allowed to participate in design processes, and who are our designs for?
- Contesting Borders and Intersections: The conference theme explores ways to critique, resist, and/or reimagine taken-for-granted boundaries in interactive design research and practices
Accepted submissions will also feature an SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Format (Download the Word Template, Download the Latex Template) text of the demo (max. 4 pages, including references).
This text will be published in the DIS 2019 proceedings in the ACM DL. Accepted demos may also include additional digital material for display such as videos and/or a poster.
Accepted authors are expected to attend the conference and be on hand with their demo during the dedicated DIS Reception session.
Submission and Application
Submissions to the Demo track for DIS2019 must be made through the PCS submission system.
Submissions must include the following:
- Extended Abstract: Demo abstracts are a maximum four pages in length. All submissions should be formatted using the SIGCHI Extended Abstracts Format (US Letter). Please use the most recent SIGCHI Extended Abstracts template in either Word or LaTeX format. This includes all figures, tables, appendices, and a synopsis of less than 150 words. References DO count towards the page limits. Submissions that are over the required length will be rejected. All submissions must present original, unpublished research. Submissions are not allowed to be under concurrent review with other conferences, journals, or venues. Since submissions will undergo chair review, your extended abstract submissions do not need to be anonymized.
- Demos Specification: A separate supplemental demo specification document in US Letter format, that describes the demo’s infrastructure and space requirements, as well as the indicative size and any unusual set up requirements. Specification to include four photographs or diagrams of set up of the demo, and should outline basic technical requirements needed. Note that successful applicants will be expected to bring all primary technical equipment required for the Demo.
- Optional video (for review only): An optional video of up to 2 minutes length can be provided for review purposes only. Authors must provide a link in the abstract (just before the References) and in the specification to view the video (e.g. from YouTube or Vimeo). The video may be password protected – in that case, please include the password with the link.
Review Process
Demo submissions will be reviewed by the demo chairs. Confidentiality of submissions will be maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference.
Successful applicants will be informed along with reviewer’s comments on the Extended Abstracts if applicable.
Please note that basic equipment can be provided by the conference, but the participants are expected to bring the necessary equipment to the conference with them. Apart from basic setup help no additional materials, technical expertise or economic support should be expected. The Demo Chairs will investigate infrastructure and equipment possibilities for the accepted demonstrations and will also provide comments on the specification, set up and technical requirements.
Video Preview Submission Guide for the Accepted Demos
- File size must be under 20 MB
- Video duration must be 30 seconds or less
- Video resolution must be at 1080p (1920 x 1080)
- video file must use the MPEG-4 format (.mp4) with the H.264 codec
- 16:9 aspect ratio recommended
- Handbrake provides good compression, and is available for OSX, Windows and Ubuntu
- Encode your video using square pixels for the pixel aspect ratio to avoid your movie looking stretched when projected
- The preview should contain a title slide with the title, authors, and affiliations.
- Titles and credits should last less than 4 seconds
Demo Chairs
demochairs [AT] dis2019.acm.org
Scott Davidoff
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
Stacey Kuznetsov
School of Arts, Media, and Engineering, Arizona State University